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About Me

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Sta. Mesa, Manila, Metro Manila
Bona fide third year college students of Bachelor in Communication Research on Polytechnic University of the Philippines—Francia Hay Belon, Kristine San Diego and Marjerrie Nicole Vasquez act as a team on creating a blog where they generously share their own way of reviews of movies.And to know them individually,here: Francia Hay Belon or “Ate Franz”,the eldest,a proud Bikolana spent her childhood in Bicol&went to Manila for College.She loves photography&music, typically spent spare time from a hectic life either by scanning photographs or playing guitar.She also loves movies,obsessed to movie marathon; Kristine San Diego or Istine,the youngest—loves movies although loves music the more. She describes herself a private and a frank person but a thoughtful and a loving friend. She’s a diehard fan of Incubus and Johnny Depp.She also loves travelling and photography; and Marjerrie Nicole Vasquez,can call her Maggie instead.She loves structural design, interior designing, landscaping, and paintings.She also loves to read novel books or eBooks&magazines&when it comes to movies prefers to have it on books 1st before film. Hope you enjoy reading every article. Thank you for dropping by.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cinema's Next Attraction

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