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About Me

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Sta. Mesa, Manila, Metro Manila
Bona fide third year college students of Bachelor in Communication Research on Polytechnic University of the Philippines—Francia Hay Belon, Kristine San Diego and Marjerrie Nicole Vasquez act as a team on creating a blog where they generously share their own way of reviews of movies.And to know them individually,here: Francia Hay Belon or “Ate Franz”,the eldest,a proud Bikolana spent her childhood in Bicol&went to Manila for College.She loves photography&music, typically spent spare time from a hectic life either by scanning photographs or playing guitar.She also loves movies,obsessed to movie marathon; Kristine San Diego or Istine,the youngest—loves movies although loves music the more. She describes herself a private and a frank person but a thoughtful and a loving friend. She’s a diehard fan of Incubus and Johnny Depp.She also loves travelling and photography; and Marjerrie Nicole Vasquez,can call her Maggie instead.She loves structural design, interior designing, landscaping, and paintings.She also loves to read novel books or eBooks&magazines&when it comes to movies prefers to have it on books 1st before film. Hope you enjoy reading every article. Thank you for dropping by.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

POST IT; My Blogging Experience

Social networking sites continue to be the world’s fastest growing medium of modern communication. By using blogs, chat rooms, email or instant messaging, you are able to connect with family, friends or with the world at large. Such websites are useful internet tools that help you to keep in touch with other users as well as to meet new people with similar interest whom you may share your commentaries, views or stories.
Different people have different purposes on why they maintain accounts in websites. And whatever these purposes are, one must know his stand in the social media.
That is why studying online writing is important to internet users. It is not just about posting anything under the sun, or giving yourself the freedom to express your feelings, thoughts or sentiments in any way you want. Nor it is a means to hurt other people, to defame or contradict one’s view or idea which you think does not agree with your own.  And yes it is possible, as possible as anonymity is in the social network. Some people may lie about their identities in real life so that they are free to do their own thing online. Being someone else in the internet allows them to do so. It is the reason why sometimes, we do not really know who we are dealing with in any social websites.
But this is not how responsible online writers do their works. They know that the proper use of social networking sites is one of the standards they are ought to follow. It’s because as a responsible user you are aware of every detail that you post over the internet.
A social media campaign reminds us: “…what we posts online stays there forever…”
Once information is posted online, you cannot take it back. It remains on the internet even if it has long been deleted from the sites.
And this is what online journalism taught us…to understand the standards and guidelines in posting your comment, blog or article. Procedures and techniques aren’t really of much important for even an out of school kid would learn how to do so. It is the ethics that we learn that really counts.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Farewell: The Marvels of Online Writing

What I write in here isn’t just a plain movie review.

For a communication and researcher student, writing anything and everything under the heat of the sun is quite of an ordinary school task. And since social networking sites has been a trending leisure pursuit of students like me nowadays, I assume likely I won’t get a hard time producing article for my blog in here—that it’ll be easy as answering my daily “what’s on your mind?” on face book or tweeting on my twitter.

Yet to my surprise online writing or blogging in here—I must say was a different experience than what I did on twitter, face book or even on tumblr. Yeah, you got it right, I'm new on this blogging thing.

Here, I don’t just post randomly like what I usually do with my other accounts on social sites. Movie review is the theme of our blog.  I’m not an enthusiastic movie buff so it took me some time to look for movies I can freely share to people since book review is what I’m habituated to since I don’t know when. I always prefer to read several stories earlier than to watch it on a movie marathon or on the big screen. So certainly, the articles I just wrote in here isn’t just a plain movie review—it happens to be the product of my grit to research for movies I thought were attention-grabbing and the patience to watch those movies keenly with my pen and paper for important details. And just so people know, I don’t just recap what I just saw on screen, I try to share with my blogs my own way of narrating the story and unfolding the characters; and as much as I can of digging up the important message the movie’s bringing about . 

Thus my articles weren’t just an account of a movie but a discovery of the core rationale that particular movie entails. See 3 Idiots and Cougars Inc. for example.

In addition, since I’m an active user of social networking sites I must say this bona fide blogging thing helps me become a responsible user of it. For I must be careful with everything I write and produce not just because our professor Madam Dean Borican will explore it but it’ll be read by diverse people as well . And as to what Mr. Howie Severino’s campaign is promoting when he went to visit the school on the First Youth Congress (which happens to be also a requirement of the subject this blogging is into) Think before you click”, we should as much as we can think several times everything we're going to share here. And this cause is for all us users of social networking sites.

So whenever I produce article here; I make it a point I use the most humane and earthy words as possible, at all times since my target reader are also the active-unadulterated users of social networking sites.  Should I say too, so far I never infuriate and mimic anybody on the articles I produce here? And never would I. As a future writer, well I look forward I would, I’m always too careful with my words and my language rules.

And also, this blogging thing helps me grasp the marvels of the World Wide Web which I personally had taken for granted.  We just don’t waste our time exploring someone else’s profile on face book and stalking our pet artist on twitter—we can do far better than that as a communication student. Productivity lies beneath the keyboard. All we need to do is to look for something that caught our interest, type, blog it and share it to the world.

Thank you for this blogging thing never would I realize my worth as a social network user. Sayonara! J

Official COUGARS, INC. Trailer


“It’s 10:00pm; do you know where your mother is?”

A baffling query rose as a tagline of this movie. So where exactly the mother is?

The story goes like this, Sam (Kyle Garner), the focal persona of this movie, is a troubled student. And because of his poor demeanor, he has been kicked out of every school he's been into, from the best preparatory school across the country to so forth and so on. 

But when he turns college, maybe a person eventually grow-up and mature or was it because of Courtney (Sarah Hyland) the girl he likes is there—he finally settled on a school, at a boarding school.

However, his life gets twisted when his gorgeous-fashion-model mom cannot pay for his bundle of tuition so there’s no way he could pull through until the next semester. Plus, the girl Courtney he likes had stood him up on their date. 

Well not until he slithers into a bar where he meets, a good-looking older mom, Alison (Kathryn Morris). They both share the same sentiments—alone and miserable. And then one thing goes to another—until they end up in bed together. She (Alison) goes home parting a huge check for Sam—for his incredible service rendered. 

Surprised, Sam immediately shares it to his friends and they’d all brainstormed about it and eventually come up to a crazy notion. Since, Sam currently was financially challenged, they’d gotten into the idea of opening an escort service—COUGAR INC., there they’re going to supply the needs of older women and pays them off in return. 

So there crazy-risky business started—pimping themselves to a show of incredibly stunning and dateless over 40 years of age women.  While Sam is venturing on his new business, he doesn't noticed he’s acting a bit of a grown man or because he’s been surrounded with matured women so the girl Courtney started to like him—I mean, the new Sam he’s been. And so does Alison though. Which of course brought, again, complication to Sam’s complicated life. 

And the complication grew even more worst when one of Sam’s loyal clients, Judy (Denise Richards) happens to be the wife of their dean! Oh boy, just oh boy. And so, of course everything went silly. 

This movie brought up nostalgia in me; it reminds me of the American Pie’s chain, but of course the story is something new and different. I never remember any college context-comedy movie who’d unfortunately leads to a crazy marketing action. But who says we cannot learn anything from this crazy movie? Well, actually we’ll. As a normal college student, of course I won’t (oh boy, mark my word) goes on the idea of pimping myself to pay the tuition. 

So what’s the message of this movie? There’s always a possibility of love between two people of frantically different age. Enjoy the movie, it isn't a sex comedy movie although of course there’s some nudity but most of the scenes you caught everybody joking—so just laugh out loud and learn from it. 
His nightmares caused the teenager Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) the uneasy feeling that something is wrong with his identity. Until one day he accidentally discovered a missing child’s picture found by his neighbor and schoolmate Karen Murphy (Lily Collins) in a website. Little boy Steven Price was an image of himself.

Unaware of getting himself into trouble, Nathan called the website’s0 owner. Eventually they were attacked and his parents, Kevin (Jason Isaac) and Mara (Maria Bello) were murdered. He was able to escape together with Karen and immediately called the police. CIA operatives Frank Burton (Alfred Molina) said he’s in danger and a team will be sent to pick them up. But Nathan’s psychiatrist Dr. Geraldine Benneth (Sigourney Weaver) warned him not to trust Burton and revealed Nathan’s biological father – a CIA agent named Martin Price (Dermot Mulroney) who stole a list of corrupt CIA operatives from Viktor Kozlow (Michael Nyqvist). So the website was completely a trap.

Instructed by Dr. Benneth, the two headed to a safe house where Nathan found his father’s cellphone and a photo and address of her real mother Lorna Price. Just as Nathan was beginning to figure out his true identity, Kozlow’s men kept on chasing them. Soon he realized there’s no safer place and no one but Karen can be trusted. He had to stop running and face the danger because it’s the only way he will survive.

The film ended up with Martin Price who killed Kozlow and called Nathan to apologize.

For a young actor like Taylor Lautner, the movie was quite a good start. It maybe panned by critics but the character that he has and the movie itself need not be compared to famous stars who had already accomplished lots of successful movies. Sometimes it takes someone a little more effort and time to make it to the top. Not everyone can hit the bullseye on the first shoot.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


           Learning is Fun. Learning on line writing was also a fun experience. On line writing is not just about “writing through on line”.  I’ve learned the basic rules on how writing can be effective. It should have unity, coherence and emphasis. Some steps to establish in writing. That it  should have purpose, the main idea and because appropriate tone and language. Also I’ve learned some basic rules in writing, like you should be get to the point, be positive and write to express. On line writing is not just about posting an article using the World Wide Web, but also  to discuss the rules and guidelines that we as ”bloggers” you should be honest and fair, we should minimize the harm and be accountable. I’ve learned also the difference of traditional and online journalism. In our subject, creating a blog and blog article are some of the activities. Me and my group mates decided to create a movie review  as the theme. We learned about what is on-line journalism and some laws, ethical standards about this.
      They said that learning is not just around the four corner  of the classroom. As  requirement, a seminar that we have attended also gave us an experience to learn. This seminar entitled 1st Youth Communicator Congress. Different speakers came from different institutions, GMA, DZMM 630, TV5, KBP, NIELSEN and more. They shared different thoughts, stories and lesson that surely we can apply in our lives. As related to our subject on line writing, a lot of social media been occurring nowadays. GMA representative speaker Howie Severino brought lesson for us, that we have to be responsible users of social media. We have to think first to our statement, pictures, videos and links or anything we can be posted on the internet before we click. “Think before you click”.
           Truly it is such a great  experience in  on-line writing subject. Thank You so much to my BCR 3-2 classmates and to our professor, Dean Borican for having you as our professor in this subject, for giving us fun to learn more than what we expected.

The Little Fockers

      After Meet The Fockers, Ben Stiller made us laugh once more in sequel “The Little Fockers”. Greg and Pam were been together for ten years, and proud parents of the twins, Sam and Henry. Greg’s  father-in-law, Jack Brynes  always care for his family. For him, family is important when it comes to relationship. He cares about it from his generation up to the present generation. He wants everyone to be perfect  in his family. Still Jack Brynes don’t want give his trust to Greg as “God Focker”, meaning the leader of his generation of the Focker family side.
      Greg  as ex-nurse, working in the hospital in a higher position met Andi Garcia to negotiate and introduce a drug. Greg and Andi became close friends.  A time for Jack to set his acquisition again that greg can’t be trusted.  That Greg and Andi were having an affair. Greg shows to Jack that he never lie to his family, that he really love his wife Pam and their children so much. Jack tried to broke Greg and Pam’s marriage. But these couple have  their trust for each other.
     Twins birthday has come, a day for them to celebrate and also for Greg and Jack unite as fathers of their families. Jack realize that he’s been over protective to his family.  That he ended up almost to brake Greg and Pam’s marriage. Greg explain everything to Jack he also wanted to have Jack’s trust, to be the “Greg Focker” meaning, a father of what he wants to be a father in his family.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A story of extraordinary friend on an engineering college.

Meet the three idiots: Rancho, Farhan and Raju. Laugh, cry, and feel every medley of emotions with their story of bona fide friendship, hope, aspirations and purpose of life. 

Among the three, Rancho is the rebel. He always questions things and believes learning is more than just the usual mode of education. Although he is amusing and frolic, Rancho constantly shocks everybody by being the top on class. He even manages to win the affections of the director's daughter Pia. But Rancho's greatest role lies by making his friends realize their true calling. At the end of the film, you’ll surely blurt-out that really—ALL IS WELL!

But there are a few that have a far eternal crash the entire ragging chain; the comradeship between Rancho and Pia; Chatur's (the 'brainy' student) hilarious speech; the entire black-and-white depiction of Raju's family; most of the scenes between Rancho and Viru; the sequences that lead to Raju's recovery in the hospital and many more. After a point, you just stop counting.

Twist goes when on their Graduation Day, after being awarded the Student of the Year title, Rancho mysteriously disappears. Years later, Farhan and Raju, finding a common thread, go on board to find their friend.

This movie is different because every scene is special and brings with it something that's out of the ordinary. In spite of their mental conditioning, the collision of the film is so overwhelming that it leaves you spellbound for hours after it has ended.



Let’s just fall inlove. One day- motion picture that talks about love and time starring Anne Hathaway as Emma and Jim Sturgess as Dexter. Emma and Dexter met last July 15, 1988 on  their graduation day. They went out and Dexter asked for Emma’s number. From then on, they became friends, best of friends. They make sure that every July 15 they will spend time together.

Dexter became a TV celebrity while Emma became a teacher an later on  wrote her own book. They had their differences, romantic relationship  and consequences, but they still find each other someone to depend on. Until the year came when they finally admitted to each other, that they both in love with each other and got married.

They knew that as long as they have each other everything will fall into places, even they were having a hard time to have their first child. Then tragedy came, when Emma was on her way to meet Dexter she was hit by a truck and she died. Dexter was not able to accept it. He got depressed. He realized that life should go on and he must live as if  Emma is still around.

This movie wants to remind us that we  must realized that we should live life to the fullest. Enjoy each and everyday we have here on Earth.  Treasure every moment we have with our family, friends and loveones. When you  already found the one, never let him go.  Never  be  afraid of what life might us bring.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cinema's Next Attraction


Parodying the James Bond secret agent genre, Rowan Atkinson had successfully made his way to the silver screen with his renowned 2003 action comedy film JOHNNY ENGLISH. It was a spoof spy thriller where Atkinson plays the lead character with John Malkovich, Natalie Imbruglia, Tim Pigott-Smith and Ben Miller in supporting roles.

From the direction of Peter Howitt, the movie opens with Johnny English who was working as a secret service agent at British Intelligence. English has a fantasy about himself as ‘Agent Number One’—the best man of the MI-7 organization.

When an unexpected plan to steal the country’s Crown Jewel came to the service’s knowledge, Agent One was quickly assigned to the case and was quickly dispatched to six feet under. The British spy’s funeral was attacked and all his replacements were assassinated. And only one hero was left—Johnny English—who always dreamed of being a sophisticated man of action. Along with his assistant Angus Bough (Ben Miller), he went through his mission and later had discovered the person behind the evil plan, the French businessman Pascal Sauvage (John Malkovich). English’s attention was caught by a mysterious Lorna Campbell (Natalie Imbruglia), whom he had met in a social event and had joined him throughout the case.

Through his comic acting, Atkinson as Johnny English starred the movie with a refreshing sense of humor that made it really entertaining. He’s indeed a professional and an exceptional comedian. Not to mention the dialogues, his funny acts and how he managed to change expressions of his face gave the movie a creditable performance on the big screen.

That was Johnny English… “He knows no fear. He knows no danger. In fact, he knows absolutely nothing!”

And wait there’s more! After 8 years comes the next attraction… he is given one more chance. A sequel, JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN is to be released on October 28 of this year.

Watch…laugh...have fun! :D

Thursday, August 11, 2011



What if one day, you awaken from comma? And somebody stole your identity.
      This is what happen to Dr. Martin Harris( played by veteran actor Liam Neeson).  When  he and his wife Liz ( played by January Jones) arrives  in Berlin for a biotech conference. When they get to the hotel Dr. Martin Harris realize that he forgot his briefcase , get  a cab back to the airport. The taxi driven by Gina(played by Diane Kruger) take a short cut route that made them off the bridge, in a cold freezing river. After the car accident, he came back to Liz and started to ignore him, pretend that she don’t know him and someone pretend to be  him who played by Aidan Quinn.  Dr. Martin Harris were all alone, helpless and full of questions in his mind with all what is happening to him, to his wife, how somebody pretend  to be  him, these mysterious guys who wants to kill him, and the his briefcase that he left in the airport. With the help of Gina, he tries to look for answers. After so many chasing  incidents and investigation, he found out that Dr. Martin Harris doesn’t really exist. He is not an American citizen but a Canadian named William and a restrained assassin. After watching this movie, I may say that Warner Bros. Company made a surprisingly, amazing and intensifying motion picture.  Liam Neeson was also known for  his movies SCHINDLER’S LIST (1993), STAR WARS I : THE PHANTOM MENACE(1995),BATMAN BEGINS(2005) and box office hit TAKEN(2008).

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One More Earsplitting Smash from the New “Transformers”: Dark of the Moon

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Never had I miss my apparently annual doze of Transformers movie.  Only just last week of watching it on big screen all I can do is say my nonstop wow and drool. To Michael Bay’s credit, he laid a more human touch into Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Absolutely like its 2009’s [Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen] —still a mega-blockbuster of all time!

He [Bay] amplifies persistent action of battle scenes to grind on for too long. Yes, because the Autobots and Decepticons clashed and smashed the ground all over again. And I just can’t stop watching every feat and drool!  I breathlessly can’t take my eyes off the skirmishing of those hulking robots.

The whole story goes like this. Autobots discovered that the Cybertronian Spacecraft which carried technology capable of ending up war between them [Autobots] and Decepticons had survived. Sentinel Prime, the leader of the Autobots is revived by his successor, Optimus Prime. So he [Sentinel Prime] could help recover that crashed vessel carried technology which is their [Autobots] last hope of losing battle against the Decepticons on their home world.

The action sequences drag on and on when the two of them, Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime, lead their limited Autobot forces [although halfway of the story Sentinel Prime betrays the gang] and human buddies against Decepticons leader Megatron in the battle to recover the carried technology.  

Once again, earth’s fate is in the stability with Sam, the naturally center of things. Plus with her new romantic interest Carly, who’s like the role of Megan Fox, appears sizzling hot throughout, while in deathly threat in the command of bulky robots.

Working together, the Decepticons are defeated. And sadly, together with the turncoat Sentinel Prime.

Stop, stare and drool on the Transformers: Dark of the Moon on the big screen—if you miss it, you’ll miss half of your life! 

Trailer Video